Duluth, Minn., June 20, 2024, 1930 —Damage assessments and surveys continue to be accomplished across the 3 million acres of Superior National Forest roads and lands in northeastern Minnesota. Heavy rainfall from the June 18, 2024 storms have caused numerous washouts and flooding. Water levels on lakes, streams, and rivers continue to rise and are causing impacts in many areas. This is a dynamic and slow-moving situation and some forest roads that were passable yesterday are now impacted today. Forest Service official continue to coordinate with local, county, and state partners as everyone in the region is experiencing the effects of this weather event.

Recreation Sites and Campgrounds

Most of the developed and dispersed recreation sites including developed campgrounds on the Forest remain open for visitor use. As road and water conditions change, we might need to reevaluate the status of recreation sites. Lake levels are also rising, and several boat access docks could be under water. Due to road washouts and flooding the following campgrounds are closed or only open to high clearance vehicles.

  • McDougal Lake Campground (Closed through June 27, 2024, will reevaluate next week)
  • Pfeiffer Lake Campground (Open to High Clearance Vehicles only)

Forest Roads

Numerous forest roads are flooded or have washouts which make them not drivable. The following forest roads are currently closed due to unsafe conditions.

LaCroix Ranger District (Northwest side of the Forest, St. Louis County)

  • FR 200 (200 Road)
  • FR 464 (Moose Loop South) cannot drive through the loop.
  • FR 467 (Meander Lake Road)

Laurentian Ranger District (South side of the Forest, St. Louis and Lake Counties)

  • FR 113 (Headwaters Road)
  • FR 118 (Camp 26 Road)
  • FR 122 (Langley Road)
  • FR 130 (Mooseline Road)
  • FR 256 (Pfeiffer Lake Road) south end of road has a washout.
  • FR 272 (Sturgeon Road)
  • FR 273 (Bates Road)
  • FR 278 (Dewey Lake Road)
  • FR 279 (Shannon Lake Road)
  • FR 380 (Stoney Grade)
  • FR 425 (Bundle Lake Road)
  • FR 776 Linwood Lake Road)
  • FR 1822 (Koivisto Road)

Kawishiwi Ranger District (Central part of the Forest, St. Louis and Lake Counties)

  • FR 112 (Dunka River Road)
  • FR 179 (August Lake Road)
  • FR 459 (North Grassy Road)
  • FR 1027 (Big Lake Boat Access)

Tofte Ranger District (Southeast side of the Forest, Lake and Cook Counties)

  • FR 166 (600 Road)
  • FR 172 (Wanless Road)
  • FR 174 (Dumbell Lake Road)
  • FR 177 (Mitawan Lake Road)
  • FR 342 (Two Island Lake Road)
  • FR 343 (Temperance River Road)
  • FR 346 (Richie Lake Road)
  • FR 358 (Hoist Lake Road)
  • FR 369 (Trappers Lake Road)
  • FR 373 (NW Road)
  • FR 377 (Tomahawk Road)
  • FR 912 (Victor Lake Road)

Wilderness Entry Points

Due to washouts and flooded roads several Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) Entry Points remain inaccessible. Additional Entry Points on the Tofte Ranger District were added today due to washouts and rising water levels cutting off road access.

BWCAW permits have been cancelled through June 22, 2024 for the following Entry Points:

  • Stuart River Entry Point #19
  • Angleworm Lake Entry Point #20 and Angleworm Trail Entry Point #21
  • South Hegman Lake Entry Point #77

BWCAW permits have been cancelled through June 25, 2024 for the following Entry Points:

  • Trout Lake Overnight Motor and Day Use Motor Entry Point #1 inaccessible due to washouts and the motorized portage not being able to operate on the road/trail. Overnight paddle permits are still being issued and the canoe portage is open.
  • Slim Lake Entry Point #6 inaccessible due to washouts on the North Arm of Burntside Road. From Big Lake Entry Point #7 inaccessible due to a major washout on the access road.
  • Mudro Lake Entry Point #23 inaccessible due to a major washout on the North Grassy Road.
  • Bog Lake Entry Point #67 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.
  • Island River Entry Point #34 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.
  • Isabella Lake Entry Point #35 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.
  • Pow Wow Trail Entry Point #86 inaccessible due to washouts and flooding.

Affected permit holders are being notified. We will reassess conditions and access routes again on June 24, 2024 and determine if the BWCAW permit cancellations need to be extended.

Visitors are encouraged to use extreme caution on canoe routes throughout the BWCAW. River and stream flows are fast moving, and portages may be affected or more difficult to find.