The Aldo Leopold Foundation and the US Forest Service – Superior National Forest are presenting a public symposium to celebrate and advance the evolution of land ethics and conservation on September 19-20 in Ely, Minnesota.

The first day, September 19th, will begin at the Minnesota North College Vermilion Campus with a Symposium on the Past, Present and Future of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The program will draw upon Indigenous knowledge and Western scientific understanding of the region as well as revisit the efforts of Sigurd Olson, commemorate the 75th anniversary of Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac, and the 60th anniversary of passage of the Wilderness Act.

The second day, September 20th, will focus on Evolving Land Ethics: Advancing Conservation Through Film, Words and Community at Ely's Historic State Theater. The program is a community partnership with participants from the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa, Aldo Leopold Foundation, Listening Point Foundation, Tofte Lake Center, Ely Film Festival, and Piragis Northwoods Company.

The day will feature an introduction to the Land Ethic Concept by Buddy Huffaker, Executive Director of the Aldo Leopold Foundation, followed by a screening of Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time, an Emmy Award-winning film that challenges viewers to consider their relationship with the land and nature. Current short films by filmmakers selected for the Ely Film Festival will also be shown. The screenings will be followed by facilitated dialogue with the audience and filmmakers. The day concludes with a Drum Ceremony featuring artists from the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa and a social hour at the State Theater.

This two-day event is open to the public. There is no cost for Thursday's program and tickets for Friday will be available through the State Theater for $10.

For further information, contact the Aldo Leopold Foundation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 608-355-0279.

Venue addresses:

Minnesota North College, Vermilion Campus
1900 E. Camp Street
Ely, MN 55723

Ely's Historic State Theater
238 E. Sheridan Street
Ely, MN 55731