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1854 Treaty Authority News

News and information from 1854 Treaty Authority
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Voyageurs Conservancy Vacancy: Facilitator to Lead Co-stewardship Discussions

Voyageurs Conservancy seeks a skilled facilitator to lead a series of four multi-day workshops that will support conversations about co-stewardship at Voyageurs National Park (VOYA) with 18Tribal, 7 First Nations communities and the Métis Nation of Ontario, the National Park Service, and Voyageurs Conservancy. The facilitator will work with the National Park Service and Voyageurs Conservancy working group, as well as an Advisory Committee that will be formed during the course of the project, to plan and facilitate conversations with the participating Tribal and First Nations, National Park Service, and Voyageurs Conservancy.


Superior National Forest Reminds Visitors of Annua...
KBFT 89.9FM Presents the 2024 Mino Mashkiki (Good ...