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1854 Treaty Authority News

News and information from 1854 Treaty Authority
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Invasive Buckthorn: What YOU Can Do

1854’s biologists are tasked with preserving the populations of culturally significant species within the 1854 Ceded Territory, which also means keeping the balance of high quality habitat for those species to thrive. The work of our invasive species staff includes monitoring and research of bakaan ingoji ga-ondaadag (non-local/invasive beings), controlling them to maintain a balance, and bring awareness to the public about their presence and capabilities.

From time to time we get questions like “I think there are invasive plants on my property. What is the best way to get rid of them?” For those individuals that are moved to be active stewards for their time on turtle island, we hear you. There ARE things you can do it your backyard - like controlling common and glossy buckthorn, right now, during the winter!

Our invasive species crew has put together some great resources on “successful buckthorn removal for beginners”, which include options for that fit your values, infestation and pocketbook. Check out the materials below, and miigwech for protecting the 1854 ceded lands for future generations.

What YOU Can Do: Buckthorn Brochure

Identifying Invasive Buckthorn & Honeysuckle, and their Native Plant Look-a-likes in NE Minnesota

Buckthorn Treatment Options

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