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1854 Treaty Authority News

News and information from 1854 Treaty Authority
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Newsletter, Ziigwan 2018

The 1854 Treaty Authority’s Ziigwan (spring) newsletter is HOT OFF THE PRESS (…or fresh in your e-mail IN box). It features the announcement of the revised 1854 Ceded Territory Conservation Code – take a spin through the summary of noteworthy changes before hitting the water for fishing opener, Saturday May 12th. Check out new multi-generational opportunities with expansion of those who can travel into the BWCAW without a permit, and although not an 1854 program, review the permitting process to receive eagle parts and feathers. If you know a high school aged youth that is interested in pursuing a career in natural resource management, share the announcement of our summer tribal youth camp with them!

As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to give us a call.


Wildlife Management Vacancy
2018 Revisions Complete: 1854 Ceded Territory Cons...