1854 Treaty Authority News
- Don't forget you can register your deer online: https://docs.google.com/.../1pxDIYXWnJ.../edit
- 50% blaze from the waist up, including cap or hat
- Half hour before sunrise (7:00AM), to half hour after sun down (4:43pm)
- Be safe out there, and BRING HOME THE BACON!
This year there will be a special early youth deer hunt, during which youth will be allowed to take one deer by firearm prior to the start of the regular firearms season. Participate for your change to win a rangefinder!!
September 30th marks the anniversary of the signing of the 1854 Treaty of LaPointe. Why not take a minute to read it through?
- Saturday 9/19, Nett Lake, Tribal Government Center, 9am-noon
- Saturday 9/19, Tower, Vermilion Community Center, 1pm-4pm
- Sunday 9/20, Grand Portage, Old Log Building, 10am-2pm
1854 Treaty Authority's Dagwaagin (fall) newsletter is NOW AVAILABLE
It features updates and reminders about the 2020 hunting seasons. We have some great opportunities for youth hunters this year! Our biologists in the Resource Management Division share what they’ve been up to in field work (…cute wolf pup photos anyone?) This edition includes a story about Shingebiss (coot) and a discussion on apakweshkway (cattail). In need of an updated 1854 ID? 1854 will be visiting the reservations the weekend of September 19th and 20th. Follow us on Insta @1854TA
Manoominike-giizis is right around the corner, and1854 has updated the Wild Rice Resource Guide, to help get you out to harvest! The guide provides information on lakes and rivers where wild rice can be found for good harvesting. It also contains a list of all waters in the 1854 Ceded Territory with at least some known (or historic) wild rice presence.
Are you itching to get out and start ricing? Rice waters open for harvest August 15th, AND WHEN THE RICE IS RIPE.
Check 1854's Wild Rice Condition Updates page for posts on manoomin ripening (and other info) across the 1854 Ceded Territory.
(Wolf Lake, West of Brimson, 7/14/2020)
Today many Ojibwe people would have participated in the annual GLIFWC organized Mikwendaagoziwag ("they are remembered") Event, which memorializes the Sandy Lake Tragedy. The 2020 event has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but please take a minute to watch the video below and reflect on an the series of injustices and events which took place during the treaty era...
GLIFWC plans to hold the 2020 Healing Circle Run, with a twist...
The 2020 Healing Circle Run 2020 is a virtual event, and will be held August 1-7th, 2020. Participants will pledge the number of miles they would like to run/walk and then complete those miles wherever they are, or in a nearby location of their choosing. To register for the run, please click on the appropriate link below.
Link to Individual Registration Form
Link to Group Registration Form
Check out the 2020 Healing Circle's Event's page on Facebook.
Native Artists and Photographers! The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society (NAFWS) is looking for artwork and photographs that depict natural resources on Tribal lands and want to hire Native artists. Your artwork and photographs could be used for several projects between the NAFWS and the Native American Rangelands Partnership.
Website Projects (www.nafws.org and www.nativeamericanrangelands.org) :
NAFWS can pay a one-time fee of $100 for digital use (only) of photographs. Any other uses such as prints or tee-shirts will be renegotiated with each artist.
NAFWS can pay a one-time fee of $200 for digital use (only) of artwork. Any other uses such as prints or tee-shirts will be renegotiated with each artist.
Each image or artwork will be linked to the artist’s preferred location (website, Facebook, Etsy, etc.). NAFWS will also have an “artist’s” page with a biographical sketch of each person with their contact information to help promote your work.
NAFWS is looking for the following professional level images or artwork:
- Landscape images that will fit (or can be cropped) into a 2000 x 500 pixel frame (6.75 x 1.75 inch). These will be used for sliders on website pages. See our websites for examples.
- Ledger art that depicts cultural uses on rangelands, rivers, or other natural areas. We would specifically like to see images of elders teaching young people.
- Project images such as Natives involved with natural uses or research involving natural resources. Photos must be accompanied by “release waivers” to ensure that individuals give their permission to be photographed and posted on websites.
- Images that depicts food sovereignty.
See samples of artwork in the New México Native Plant Society’s coloring book at https://www.npsnm.org/native-plant-coloring-book/.
Images and artwork will be selected based on their application to the website uses, but not all entries will be selected. Some may be selected for archival use, but not necessarily immediate use.
NAFWS will request a signed agreement between each organization and each artist.
Applicants can submit samples of their work via email by August 15 to
Coloring Book Project:
NAFWS is constructing a series of “coloring tiles” of native plants and animals that will be downloadable on the NAFWS websites. These tiles should have a distinct Native appearance and cultural reflection (ledger art or other form). Tiles will be categorized by region, and each will be placed on an 8/5” x 11” page to include space for a description, Native language, and cultural use. We are looking for the following:
- Each black and white drawing should be contained in a 5” x 6” portrait rectangle that is easily colorable by a child.
- While these tiles are intended for fun, they should also provide enough detail to help children (or adults) identify different plants and animals in their respective regions (See sample at https://www.npsnm.org/native-plant-coloring-book/). This would include seed heads of native grasses, fruits on shrubs and trees, and other distinctive features of each plant. For animals, specific traits should be visible (for example, hump and claws on grizzly bear vs. short claws and longer ears on black bears).
- The fee will be negotiable when NAFWS selects an artist that is willing to collaborate for the project.
Outreach Notice: Responses due July 17th, 2020
Looking forward to hitting the field for fall hunting? Itching to get out and manoominike? 1854's board of directors has approved 2020 seasons for ricing, moose, waterfowl, and hunting/trapping. Get these dates on your calendar - opener will be here before you know it.
1854 Treaty Authority's Niibin (summer) newsletter is NOW AVAILABLE!
It features the limited-term amendment to the 1854 Conservation Code regarding 1854 ID cards, includes an update on Superior National Forest treaty camping, and announces the 2020 Moose Season. Seeking individual/non-group activities during the pandemic? Check out area fishing lakes on 1854’s Interactive WebMap and hit the water. Get season dates on your calendar: approved manoomin and waterfowl seasons are within.
1854 Ceded Territory 2020 Moose Hunt Applications and Information Booklets are now available!
Applications are due to by August 14th, 2020 to Morgan Swingen, NO ACCEPTIONS. Snail mail them in, e-mail or drop them off at "curb-side pickup" at our Duluth office.