Setting unattended lines while ice fishing? You must notify 1854 that you are doing so. Log in on our unattended lines notification QuickLink on the 1854 website homepage, call the office, or notify one of the CO's. Rules and regulations are spelled out in the 1854 Treaty Authority Conservation Code (page 50).
1854 Treaty Authority News
Funding through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) has supported many projects including lake sturgeon assessments in Lake Superior and the St. Louis River estuary... (read more)
Don't forget to review the 1854 Conservation Code (page 59) before heading out to harvest conifer boughs this holiday season...

- Don't forget you can register your deer online:
- 50% blaze from the waist up, including cap or hat
- Half hour before sunrise (7:00AM), to half hour after sun down (4:43pm)
- Be safe out there, and BRING HOME THE BACON!
This year there will be a special early youth deer hunt, during which youth will be allowed to take one deer by firearm prior to the start of the regular firearms season. Participate for your change to win a rangefinder!!
September 30th marks the anniversary of the signing of the 1854 Treaty of LaPointe. Why not take a minute to read it through?
Treaty with the Chippewa, 1854.
- Saturday 9/19, Nett Lake, Tribal Government Center, 9am-noon
- Saturday 9/19, Tower, Vermilion Community Center, 1pm-4pm
- Sunday 9/20, Grand Portage, Old Log Building, 10am-2pm
1854 Treaty Authority's Dagwaagin (fall) newsletter is NOW AVAILABLE
It features updates and reminders about the 2020 hunting seasons. We have some great opportunities for youth hunters this year! Our biologists in the Resource Management Division share what they’ve been up to in field work (…cute wolf pup photos anyone?) This edition includes a story about Shingebiss (coot) and a discussion on apakweshkway (cattail). In need of an updated 1854 ID? 1854 will be visiting the reservations the weekend of September 19th and 20th. Follow us on Insta @1854TA
Manoominike-giizis is right around the corner, and1854 has updated the Wild Rice Resource Guide, to help get you out to harvest! The guide provides information on lakes and rivers where wild rice can be found for good harvesting. It also contains a list of all waters in the 1854 Ceded Territory with at least some known (or historic) wild rice presence.
Are you itching to get out and start ricing? Rice waters open for harvest August 15th, AND WHEN THE RICE IS RIPE.
Check 1854's Wild Rice Condition Updates page for posts on manoomin ripening (and other info) across the 1854 Ceded Territory.
(Wolf Lake, West of Brimson, 7/14/2020)
Today many Ojibwe people would have participated in the annual GLIFWC organized Mikwendaagoziwag ("they are remembered") Event, which memorializes the Sandy Lake Tragedy. The 2020 event has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but please take a minute to watch the video below and reflect on an the series of injustices and events which took place during the treaty era...
GLIFWC plans to hold the 2020 Healing Circle Run, with a twist...
The 2020 Healing Circle Run 2020 is a virtual event, and will be held August 1-7th, 2020. Participants will pledge the number of miles they would like to run/walk and then complete those miles wherever they are, or in a nearby location of their choosing. To register for the run, please click on the appropriate link below.
Link to Individual Registration Form
Link to Group Registration Form
Check out the 2020 Healing Circle's Event's page on Facebook.