On Saturday, 1854's Enforcement and Education staff certified three (3) new hunters in a firearm safety field day in Isabella, Minnesota. Tribal youth from both Bois Forte and Grand Portage exhibited the three rules of safe hunting:
1) treat every weapon as though it is loaded,
2) control the muzzle at all times,
3) know your target and what is beyond it.
Through a series of scenarios, the participants demonstrated good firearm handling, including climbing a tree stand, sitting in a deer blind and boarding a canoe. Live firing of both .22 rifles and a 410 shotgun showed that these new hunters have what it takes to bring home their treaty harvest! Thank you to the staff, volunteers and participants that made the day a success. Congratulations on earning your certification Carols, Hunter and Biidaash! Happy hunting!!
To see more photos from the field day, see 1854's facebook page.