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Wild Rice Survey

The 1854 Treaty Authority has conducted wild rice surveys since 1996. The purpose of these ongoing surveys is to determine the presence of wild rice on lakes and rivers in the 1854 Ceded Territory. The 1854 Treaty Authority has compiled a list of wild rice waters within the 1854 Ceded Territory. This list of 527 lakes and river stretches serves as an inventory of rice waters, and as the foundation for the wild rice survey. During the survey, general information about each lake or river is also recorded to determine areas where habitat may be suitable for wild rice.

The survey has been coordinated with numerous partners including the Bois Forte, Grand Portage, and Fond du Lac reservations. A total of 397 different lakes and river stretches within the 1854 Ceded Territory was surveyed between 1996 and 2023. Collected information has been incorporated into the 1854 Treaty Authority's geographic information system. The survey will continue in future years.